School finally start!! this is going to be my first day of class, and it's also kind of a special day which I woke up since 4am and couldn't fall asleep again. Probably I just love school so much, can't wait till 8 o'clock to go to school :)))!!!
I think I would be happier if I'm happened to be that kind of person. well.. I don't hate school though, I only don't like those reading and studying, they are simply awful. I know I have to survive through it anyway, because without all those awful school works, I probaby wouldn't even cherish the valuable 3 months holiday I had.
In this fall, I will have 4 classes from 8am until 6am on both Tue&Thr, there is only a 50min morning class on Mon&Fri, and Wed off. So pretty much I will have like 3 to 5 days weekend or self-study days.
Instead of taking a nap this evening (6pm), I turned out to be finished reading many pages that relate to the topic "How to being successful for a student?" Sometime it is kind of interesting to read something like this although we may have already done most of them in our daily life. Among the reading, I find their DO and DON’T list by Dereck Rovaris is very appealing and helpful. Here they come.... **this can be boring for someone really hate school, if you are one of them.. please stop here!!
DON'T underestimate the importance of the department. Think of yourself not as being enrolled in a university, but as being enrolled in a department.
DON'T get caught up in department gossip. Mess is mess.
DON'T leave your advisor in the dark. Keep him or her informed of your progress and goals and keep notes on all agreements.
DON'T assume anything. Always check information out and verify it in writing.
DO identify faculty and student advocates to help you should you need help. Identify them BEFORE a problem arises.
DO establish good rapport with the secretaries. Your chairperson and advisors are important, but the secretaries run the show.
DO maintain positive relationships with the faculty, especially your advisor. Your never know whom you will need.
DON'T let dating, partying, hanging out, watching TV, or other social activities interfere with your schoolwork. Make time for these activities, but keep everything in proper perspective.
DON'T let relationship problems disrupt your studies or dramatically alter your academic pursuits. It ain't worth it.
DON'T let family or friends distract you from your goal: True friends and supportive family members will understand.
DO socialize with department associates. You don't have to like everyone a whole lot, but you do have to work with everyone.
DO establish healthy functional relationships that don't interfere with your academic progress. Life is not all about school, so you will need these relationships to sustain your goals.
DO make time for enjoyable activities outside of academic work. All work and no play makes Jack/Jill dull.
DO maintain a positive spiritual relationship. Above all else, your faith will see you through.
DON'T fight causes you can't win. Choose your battles carefully and make sure they are worth your investment.
DON'T exclude people from outside of your race: It often will be necessary to work with other groups in order to accomplish your goals.
DO research issues that are important to you. Your agenda might be different.
DO go when invited. Go even if you don't want to listen to "that kind of music or eat that kind of food."
DO .....
always respect yourself.
always maintain your personal integrity.
always help someone else when you can.
always rely on your spiritual strength.
always set higher goals.
always meet deadlines.
always check your work.
always remember your primary goals.
Mei showed me two interesting pictures today, and it makes me think of post them on my blog. I don't know how many of you love or hate dogs, but they are just the pictures, so please don’t take it as real. These two pictures were taken by two of my friends.
Maybe no one would cook the puppy like this for real, but who know?? :)
Ps: Happy Brithday to Kunthy!!
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